Internal Business Machines Corporation (IBM) has history older than that of modern computers. And it has played a vital role in development of computers throughout the generations. IBM deals with computer hardware, software, middleware and provides consulting in areas of computers be it mainframe computers or nano-tech. Besides, it is also into the field of cloud computing as IBM Cloud.
Though IBM had first experimented with virtualization technologies of computing in 1960s, its real intent and interest to go bigger in the industry was displayed when IBM acquired Softlayer in 2013. This was the time when Cloud seemed to be the next big future. Softlayer was then a reputed company in areas of dedicated server, managed web hosting and cloud computing. Now, Softlayer infrastructure and its resources, skills, capabilities forms the foundation of IBM Cloud. With its own managed data centers around the globe in different locations, IBM Cloud directly competes with the likes of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rackspace, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.
IBM Cloud Data Center Locations
IBM Cloud has around 60 data centers in 10+ countries including federal and CMS data centers. You can use these infrastructure and facilities to deploy and scale your virtual private server (VPS). Besides, it has network point of presence (PoP) in additional locations. These IBM data centers are spread across 6 of the IBM self-assigned geographical divisons with multiple facilities. IBM has divided its data center locations available for public selection into 6 divisions, classified as:
- NA West: It includes data centers in San Jose
- NA South: It includes data centers in Dallas, Houston and Mexico
- NA East: It includes data centers in Montreal, Toronto and Washington
- South America: It includes data centers in Sao Paulo
- Europe: It includes data centers in Frankfurt, London, Milan, Oslo and Paris
- Asia-Pacific: It includes data centers in Chennai, Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo
However, to give you more details, we have reclassified these IBM Cloud data center locations based on actual political/geographical regions into continents, countries and cities as:
# Europe
Asia Pacific
Australia has four IBM data centers in two locations in the cities of Sydney and Melbourne. Besides, it has network point of presence (PoP) in Perth.
There is only one cloud infrastructure in Melbourne which includes:
- MEL01
Sydney forms one the multi-zone region of IBM cloud. It host three data centers which includes:
- SYD01
- SYD004
- SYD05
There are IBM cloud data centers in two locations of China i.e. Beijing and Hong Kong. Only facility at Hong Kong is available for rest of the world.
There is undisclosed data center facilities in Beijing which is available for cloud services in China only. People outside of China can’t access to this IBM Cloud data center infrastructure located in Beijing.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the autonomous city of China. This host one of the data center of IBM, termed as:
- HKG02
India has only one IBM data center facility, which is located in Chennai.
This facility at Chennai is one of the single zone region (SZR) of IBM Cloud:
- CHE01
Japan host one CMS data center in Makuhari, a location nearby Tokyo. Whereas, it has IBM Cloud multi-zone region in Tokyo which comprises of three data centers.
- CMS Data Center
The IBM cloud data centers in Tokyo are listed below:
- TOK02
- TOK04
- TOK05
Singapore host single data center infrastructure of IBM, which is:
- SNG01
South Korea
South Korea has only one IBM cloud data center in its capity city i.e Seoul.
This data center at Seoul is one of the “single zone region” (SZR) of IBM cloud:
- SEO01
France host one IBM CMS data center in Montpellier. Whereas, it has another data center in Paris.
- CMS Data Center
- PAR01
Germany has one IBM CMS data center in Ehningen whereas three data centers in Frankfurt city.
- CMS Data Center
These IBM data centers in Frankfurt forms one of the Multi-zone Regions (MZR) of IBM cloud:
- FRA02
- FRA04
- FRAS05
Italy host only one data center which is located in Milan.
- MIL01
There are two IBM Cloud data centers located in Netherlands in the city of Amsterdam.
These data center infrastructures in Amsterdam provides functions of data center, network point of presence (PoP) and CMS data center:
- AMS01
- AMS03
Norway host IBM data center and network PoP at capital city in Oslo.
- OSL01
Spain has only CMS data center of IBM, which is located in Barcelona city.
- CMS Data center
UK host most the IBM cloud data center infrastructures in Europe. The facilities and infrastructures are located in city of London, Fareham and Portsmouth. While London host 4 of the IBM data centers, Fareham and Portsmouth host one CMS facilities each.
These data centers in London forms one of the multi-zone regions (MZR) of IBM cloud:
- LON02
- LON04
- LON05
- LON06
- CMS Data center
- CMS Data center
North America
Canada has in total two IBM data centers in two of its cities i.e. Montreal and Toronto. Both of these locations has been hot-spot for major multi-national data center companies.
- MON01
- TOR01
Mexico host single IBM cloud data center infrastructure in Queretaro city. Among the major cloud companies like AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, probably IBM cloud is the only company to have its physical location in Mexico.
Querétaro is a small state in north-central Mexico. It has one data center facility listed below:
- MEX01
United States of America (USA) host most of the IBM cloud infrastructures including data centers in 8 locations such as Ashburn, Chantilly, Dallas, Houston, Poughkeepsie, Raleigh, San Jose and Seattle; along with network point of presence (PoP) in additional 6 locations. Be it east, west, north or south of North America, you are well covered by IBM cloud.
Dallas itself host ten IBM cloud data centers which includes DAL08, which is reserved for Federal government. They also form one of six multi-zone region (MZR). All of them are listed below:
- DAL01
- DAL02
- DAL05
- DAL06
- DAL07
- DAL08 (Federal Data Center)
- DAL09
- DAL10
- DAL12
- DAL013
Houston is the most populous city in US state of Texas. It host single data center:
- HOU02
Poughkeepsie is a city in New York state. It has one CMS facility.
- CMS Data center
Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina state of US. It too host one CMS facility of IBM.
- CMS Data center
San Jose
San Jose is a city in California. It is also part of famous Silicon Valley. This location host 3 IBM cloud data centers which are listed below:
- SJC01
- SJC03
- SJC04
Seattle is a city in Washington State towards north-west corner of USA. It has one data center of IBM cloud listed below:
- SEA01
Washington DC / Ashburn
Ashburn host 5 of the Washington DC data centers including WDC03, which is reserved for Federal government. It is also one of six multi-zone region (MZR) of IBM cloud.
- WDC01
- WDC03 (Federal Data Center)
- WDC04
- WDC06
- WDC07
Washington DC / Chantilly
Chantilly host one set of Washington DC data center of IBM, which is listed below:
- WDC01
South America
Brazil is the only country in South America to host IBM cloud data center infrastructures. It has CMS facility in Hortolandia and data center in Sao Paulo city.
Hortolândia is a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. It is located nearby Sao Paulo City.
- CMS Data center
Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo is another hot-spot for major data center companies in the world. This location host most of the facilities in Latin America. It has one IBM Cloud infrastructure. It is soon expected to have multi-zone region (MZR) here.
- SAO01
Muti-Zone Regions, Single Zone Regions and Data Centers
IBM Cloud has also classified its data centers and availability zones into Multi-zone regions (MZR), single zone regions (SZR) and other data centers. In Multi zone regions, 3 or more zones are there which are independent from each other. It ensures single failure events affect only a single zone. Deploying your application in Multi-zone region increases the availability to 99.99% from 99.9%.
Muti-Zone Regions: Dallas, Washington DC, Frankfurt, London, Sydney, Tokyo
Single Zone Regions: Seoul, Chennai
Data Centers: Besides opting for regions, you can choose individual data centers which don’t provide isolation from MZRs. These data centers are based on POD architecture.
Summary list of IBM Cloud Data Center Locations
Here is the summary list of IBM Data centers and their locations (cities, provinces, countries). Data information in the table below is arranged in alphabetical order by country name followed by city name.
IBM Data Centers | Locations |
MEL01 | Melbourne, Australia |
SYD01, SYD004, SYD05 | Sydney, Australia |
CMS Data Center | Hortolandia, Brazil |
SAO01 | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
MON01 | Montreal, Canada |
TOR01 | Toronto, Canada |
Beijing Data Center (undisclosed) | Beijing, China |
HKG02 | Hong Kong, China |
CMS Data Center | Montpellier, France |
PAR01 | Paris, France |
CMS Data Center | Ehningen, Germany |
FRA02, FRA04, FRA05 | Frankfurt, Germany |
CHE01 | Chennai, India |
MIL01 | Milan, Italy |
CMS Data Center | Makuhari, Japan |
TOK02, TOK04, TOK05 | Tokyo, Japan |
MEX01 | Querétaro, Mexico |
AMS01, AMS03 | Amsterdam, Netherlands |
OSL01 | Oslo, Norway |
SNG01 | Singapore |
SEO01 | Seoul, South Korea |
CMS Data Center | Barcelona, Spain |
LON02, LON04, LON05, LON06 | London, United Kingdom |
CMS Data Center | Fareham, United Kingdom |
CMS Data Center | Portsmouth, United Kingdom |
WDC01, WDC03 (Federal), WDC04, WDC06, WDC07 | Ashburn, USA |
WDC01 | Chantilly, USA |
DAL01, DAL02, DAL05, DAL06, DAL07, DAL08 (Federal), DAL09, DAL10, DAL12, DAL13 | Dallas, USA |
HOU02 | Houston, USA |
CMS Data Center | Poughkeepsie, USA |
CMS Data Center | Raleigh, USA |
SJC01, SJC03, SJC04 | San Jose, USA |
SEA01 | Seattle, USA |
IBM Data Center Locations Map
We have brought IBM data center locations map which covers cloud infrastructures, network point of presence (PoP), IBM cloud regions and facilities reserved for federal government around the world.
Disclaimer: These information were last updated on September 2020. Though we have done our best to collect the right information, we don’t guarantee the accuracy of information provided here including IBM cloud data center locations or map. Kindly contact IBM for detailed or accurate information on its cloud infrastructures.