Equinix is one of world’s largest multinational data center companies which provides colocation services and many more solutions related to the industry. It’s headquarter is located in Redwood City of California in US. It has 210+ colocation facilities in 24 countries and 5 continents, which is among the highest for any data center companies in the world.

Equinix has large number of services apart from the typical colocation facilities it provides. It’s other industry related major solutions includes cloud infrastructure (private, public, hybrid), disaster recovery, applications/content acceleration and WAN optimization.

Equinix Data Center Locations

Here we have listed our Equinix data center locations based on regions and countries.

# Asia

# Australia

# Europe

# North America

# South America



Equinix has 5 data-centers in China which are all located in Shanghai, the largest city and main financial hub of the country. Those 5 Equinix data centers in China are named as SH1, SH2, SH3, SH4 and SH5.

Phone: 400.842.8001 (local), +86.21.5156.7253 (Sales) +65.3158.3073 (international)
Email: servicedesk.cn@equinix.com

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of Asia’s busiest financial and trade hub. Equinix has 5 data centers in Hong Kong as well, which are called as HK1, HK2, HK3, HK4 and HK5.

Phone: 800 938 645 (local), +852 3018 1786 (international), +852 3008 7380 (sales)
Email: servicedesk@equinix.com


Indonesia host one of the Equinix data center named as JK1. Though office of Equinix is located in Jakarta, its data center is located in West Java province of Indonesia.

Phone: +62-21-29655839 (Sales); +1-866-378-4649 (global)
Email: customer.care@dci-indonesia.com


Equinix has total of 12 data centers in Japan located in cities of Osaka and Tokyo. These data centers are situated in a seismic resistance buildings with access to major financial, exchange and trade hub in the country or beyond. The list of data centers includes:

  • Osaka: OS1
  • Tokyo: TY1, TY2, TY3, TY4, TY5, TY6, TY7, TY8, TY9, TY10 and TY11

Phone: 0800.123.6449 (local), +81.50.3204.4692 (international), +81.50.3205.1036 (Sales)
Email: servicedesk.jp@equinix.com


South Korea has one Equinix data center which is located in Seoul. It is named as SL1, which is nearby central business area of Seoul. This facility has N+1 power redundancy and N+20% cooling redundancy. Equinix Korea Data Center SL1 offers the products and services to deploy an Interconnection Oriented Architecture (IOA) strategy.

Phone: 007988.523.8004 (local), +82 70.7488.3125 (international), +82 2.3151.8787 (sales)
Email: servicedesk.kr@equinix.com


Singapore has 4 Equinix data centers named as SG1, SG2, SG3 and SG4. It is one of the strategically most important location for the company. These Equinix data centers in Singapore are home to the Asia-Pacific Network Operation Center. It has access to one of the world’s three GRX peering points.

Phone: 800.852.6825 (local), +65.3158.2175 (international), +65.3138.8201(sales)
Email: servicedesk@equinix.com


The only Equinix data center in Turkey is located in Istanbul, the capital city of the country. This data center is called as IL2. People can use this data center to make most out of growing digital economies in the cross-roads of Europe and Asia. The facility has N+1 power and cooling redundancy.

Phone: +90 8503930426 (local), +90 2165270023 (sales)
Email: servicedesk@equinix.com


UAE host 2 Equinix data center, both of which are located in Dubai. These data centers are called as DX1 and DX2. It acts as interconnection hub for Middle-East countries and also to the global network.

Phone: +97144493850 (local), +44 345 373 2999 (international), +97144493880 (sales)
Email: servicedesk.ae@equinix.com


As we all know, Australia is both country and continent. Equinix has made good presence in Australia with 17 data centers in 6 major cities. Equinix has dominantly built its facilities in Sydney (8) followed by Melbourne (4). Its data centers here were awarded “Australia Data Center of the Year” for 3 years (2011, 2012, 2016) from Frost and Sullivan.

  • Adelaide: AE1
  • Brisbane: BR1
  • Canberra: CA1
  • Melbourne: M1, M2, M4, M5
  • Perth: PE1, PE2
  • Sydney: SY1, SY2, SY3, SY4, SY5, SY6, SY7 and SY8

Phone: +61 2 7202 6500 (local/international), 1800 312 838 (local), +61.3.7003.9469 (Melbourne sales), +61.2.8311.7357 (Sydney sales), +1.866.378.4649 (global)
Email: servicedesk@equinix.com



Equinix has 2 data centers in Bulgaria in Sofia, the capital city located in western part of the country. Bulgaria Equinix data centers in Sofia (SO1 and SO2) provides low barriers to entry, a rich talent pool and consistently high ranking internet speeds. For this reason, Sofia has become a major venue for outsourcing. They basically serve the regions of Caucasus, European Union, and Turkey.

Phone: +359 2 8430700 (local), +359 800 46 091 (Sales)
Email: info@eu.equinix.com, servicedesk.bg@eu.equinix.com


All of Equinix data centers in Finland are concentrated in Helsinki. Helsinki, also the capital city of the country and major economic hub, host 6 data centers of Equinix, termed as H1, H3, H4, H5, H6 and H7. Equinix Finland data centers are certified with various certifications such as OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001, PCI DSS and ISO 50001. Facilities here provides linkage between Baltic states, Russia and rest of the Europe.

Phone: +358 942 453 741 (local), +358 75 3252190 (sales)
Email: info@eu.equinix.com


France, being one of the major market for this industry, host 8 Equinix data centers in Paris. Equinix data centers in France are named as PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7 and PA8x, which are all located in Paris itself. Centers here facilitates internet exchange between Europe and America. One of its data center supports hyper-scale deployments connecting cloud services.

Phone: +33.1.8488.3496 (local/international), + (local), +33.1.8488.8123 (sales)
Email: servicedesk.fr@eu.equinix.com, info@eu.equinix.com


Equinix has 9 data centers in Germany. They are located in 3 major cities including Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich. Facilities at Dusseldorf are suitable for business continuity and disaster recovery solutions. Frankfort Equinix data centers are suitable for banking, telecommunications and commerce. Munich facilities are located in Germany’s most important financial and insurance hub.

  • Dusseldorf: DU1
  • Frankfurt: FR1, F2, FR4, FR5, FR6 and FR7
  • Munich: MU1, MU3

Phone: +49 30 31198400 (local), +49 69 257385883 (Sales)
Email: servicedesk.de@eu.equinix.com


Ireland, and in particular Dublin is growing as popular destination for both tech-companies and data centers. It has tech savvy workforce and dynamic digital ecosystem, which has attracted tech-giants such as PayPal, Google and Facebook to open their corporate offices here. Dublin host all of the four Equinix data centers in Ireland which includes DB1, DB2, DB3 and DB4. Facilities here have numerous compliance certifications and standards such as ISO (22301, 14001, 50001, 9001) ISO/IEC 27001:2005, PCI DSS and OHSAS 18001.

Phone: +353.1.461.1200 (local), +353.01.903.8613 (local), +353.76.888.9552 (sales)
Email: info@eu.equinix.com


All Equinix data centers in Italy are located in Milan. There are total of 4 data centers in Italy, which are termed as ML2, ML3, ML4 and ML5. They possess various certifications and standards such as ISO 22301, ISO 27001 and PCI DSS. They also host Borsa Italiana, which is country’s largest stock exchange market.

Phone:  +39.02.489.8000 (ML2), +39.02.36679500 (ML3), +39.02.489.8041 (ML4), +39.02.8295.2112 (ML5)
Email: info@eu.equinix.com


Netherlands has total of 11 data centers of Equinix, located mainly in city of Amsterdam. Other two cities include Enschede and Zwolle. Netherlands and in particular Amsterdam is another most sought after location in the world for data centers with high concentrations of network service providers. These facilities have direct connection to various cloud service providers and is suitable for SMEs. Also, they are certified with various compliance certifications and standards. Below are the list of Equinix Netherlands data centers in their respective cities:

  • Amsterdam: AM1, AM2, AM3, AM4, AM5, AM6, AM7, AM8 and AM11
  • Enschede: EN1
  • Zwolle: ZW1

Phone: +31.20.808.0015 (local), +31.20.890.8009 (sales)
Email: servicedesk.nl@eu.equinix.com


Only city in Poland where Equinix data centers are located is Warsaw, which is the capital and largest city of the country. Warsaw has three Equinix data centers named as WA1, WA2 and WA3. Feature of these data centers include network resilience, speed, cost-savings, etc. If you are looking to lease or host your servers around Poland, this facility would be suitable for you.

Phone: +48.22.427.39.97 (local), +48.22.397.88.79 (sales)
Email: info@eu.equinix.com


The only Equinix data center available in Portugal is located in Lisbon. To those who don’t know, Lisbon is the capital of Portugal with hills and coastal areas. This facility, named as LS1, comes with N+1 power redundancy and cooling redundancy. Apart from that it has following certifications: ISO (22301, 27001, 50001, 9001:2015, 14001:2015) OHSAS 18001 and PCI DSS.

Phone: +351 219 405 320 (local), +351 308 809 564 (sales)
Email: info@eu.equinix.com


Spain has total of 4 Equinix data centers located in Barcelona, Madrid and Seville. These carrier-neutral data centers are mostly powered by 100% renewable energy and provide cloud services to over  45 providers. Name of Equinix data centers in Spain are:

  • Barcelona: B1
  • Madrid: MD1, MD2
  • Seville: SA1

Phone: +34 911 238 857 (local), +34 518 889 230 (sales)
Email: servicedesk.es@eu.equinix.com


Equinix has 3 data centers in Sweden, all of which are located in Stockholm. These facilities are named as SK1, SK2 and SK3. Known for engineering and innovation, data centers in Stockholm host some of the exciting startups of Europe.

Phone: +46.8.799.3800 (local), +46.8.446.86250 (sales)
Email: info@eu.equinix.com


Best known for its natural beauty and snowy mountains, Switzerland host 5 of the Equinix data centers in Geneva and Zurich. Both Geneva and Zurich are global hub for international events and organizations. Also, they are Europe’s one of the largest financial markets. Therefore, facilities here can be strategically important for any organizations trying to capture the market around these locations. Equinix Data centers in Switzerland includes:

  • Geneva: GV1, GV2
  • Zurich: ZH2, ZH4, ZH5

Phone: +41.22.518.0720 (local – Geneva), +41.43.508.1038 (local – Zurich), +41.43.508.4790 (sales)
Email: servicedesk.gv@eu.equinix.com, info@eu.equinix.com

United Kingdom (UK)

There are 13 Equinix data centers in United Kingdom (UK) located in cities of London and Manchester. UK is a major economic agent and market place of the world with large financial markets and trading. These Equinix data centers here host media, content, financial services and multi-cloud ecosystems. The name of the facilities in these locations include:

London: LD3, LD4, LD5, LD6, LD7, LD8, LD9, LD10 and LD13x
Manchester: MA1, MA2, MA3 and MA4

Phone: +44.345.373.2999 (local/international), +44.020.3764.9244 (sales)
Email: servicedesk.uk@eu.equinix.com, info@eu.equinix.com

North America


Only two of the Equinix data centers are located in Canada, all of which are placed in Toronto. Equinix Data Centers in Toronto are called as TR1 and TR2.

Phone: +1.866.378.4649 (local), +1.408.451.5200 (international)
Email: support@equinix.com

United States (US)

US has largest number of Equinix data centers located in cities of Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Culpeper, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Seattle, Silicon Valley and Washington DC. US is the largest marketplace of world, be it the global economy or data centers. Here, with Equinix, you can choose from multiple facilities across the country to meet network need in any part of US or outside. Be it cloud, colocation or other data-computing need, Equinix has large number of infrastructures in US to meet your demand.

  • Atlanta: AT1, AT2, AT3, AT4, AT5 (5)
  • Boston: BO1, BO2 (2)
  • Chicago: CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH7 (4)
  • Culpeper: CU1, CU2, CU3, CU4 (4)
  • Dallas: DA1, DA2, DA3, DA4, DA6, DA7, DA9, DA10, DA11 (9)
  • Denver: DE1, DE2 (2)
  • Houston: HO1 (1)
  • Las Angeles: LA1, LA2, LA3, LA4, LA7 (5)
  • Miami: MI1, MI2, MI3, MI6 (3)
  • New York: NY1, NY2, NY4, NY5, NY6, NY7, NY8, NY9, NY11, NY13 (10)
  • Philadelphia: PH1 (1)
  • Seattle: SE2, SE3, SE4 (3)
  • Silicon Valley: SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4, SV5, SV6, SV8, SV10, SV13, SV14, SV15, SV16, SV17 (13)
  • Washington DC: DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, DC5, DC6, DC7, DC10, DC11, DC12, DC13, DC14, DC15 (13)

Phone: +1.866.378.4649 (local), +1.408.451.5200 (international), +1.866.314.1558 (international)
Support: support@equinix.com

South America


Brazil has 6 Equinix data centers located in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Brazil is one of the prime location of South America. Data centers here have connection with ecosystem of partners, oil/mining companies, major telecommunication companies, content providers, network/internet service providers, etc. Also, customers here have access to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute. Facilities in Brazil are Tier-3 data center with various compliance certifications and standards. Name of these data centers include:

  • Rio de Janeiro: RJ1, RJ2
  • São Paulo: SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4

Phone: +55.11.3958.2564 (local) +55.21.3958.2500 (international – RJ1), +55.21.3958.2783 (international – RJ2), +55.11.3524.4300 (international – SP1), +55.11.3658.2582 (local/international – SP2), +55.11.3958.2708 (local/international – SP3), +55.11.4573.7499 (international – SP4),  +55.21.3083.3333 (Sales – Rio de Janeiro), +55.11.3524.4300 (Sales – São Paulo)
Email: infobr@equinix.com


Apart from Brazil, Equinix has only one data center in South America which is located in Bogata, Colombia. Bogotá data center, named as BG1, is located in the Zona Franca trade zone. It is one of the largest data center facilities in Colombia. BG1 comes with N+1 power redundancy and cooling redundancy.

Phone: +57.01.800.518.4298 (international)
Email: support@equinix.com

Summary List of Equinix Data Center Locations

That must been a long read to go through. Therefore, we have summarized the location of Equinix Data centers in a table to systematize and ease the information search.

Note: Data in the table below are arranged in alphabetical order of country.

Equinix Data Center Locations
Equinix Data Centers Locations
AE1 (1) Adelaide, Australia
BR1 (1) Brisbane, Australia
CA1 (1) Canberra, Australia
M1, M2, M4, M5 (4) Melbourne, Australia
PE1, PE2 (2) Perth, Australia
SY1, SY2, SY3, SY4, SY5, SY6, SY7, SY8 (8) Sydney, Australia
RJ1, RJ2 (2) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4 (4) Sao Paolo, Brazil
SO1, SO2 (2) Sofia, Bulgaria
TR1, TR2 (2) Toronto, Canada
SH1, SH2, SH3, SH4, SH5 (5) Shanghai, China
BG1 (1) Bogota, Colombia
H1, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7 (6) Helsinki, Finland
PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7, PA8x (8) Paris, France
DU1 (1) Dusseldorf, Germany
FR1, F2, FR4, FR5, FR6, FR7 (6) Frankfurt, Germany
MU1, MU3 (2) Munich, Germany
HK1, HK2, HK3, HK4, HK5 (5) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
JK1 (1) Jakarta, Indonesia
DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4 (4) Dublin, Ireland
ML2, ML3, ML4, ML5 (4) Milan, Italy
OS1 (1) Osaka, Japan
TY1, TY2, TY3, TY4, TY5, TY6, TY7, TY8, TY9, TY10, TY11 (11) Tokyo, Japan
AM1, AM2, AM3, AM4, AM5, AM6, AM7, AM8, AM11 (9) Amsterdam, Netherlands
EN1 (1) Enschede, Netherlands
ZW1 (1) Zwolle, Netherlands
WA1, WA2, WA3 (3) Warsaw, Poland
LS1 (1) Lisbon, Portugal
SG1, SG2, SG3, SG4 (4) Singapore, Singapore
B1 (1) Barcelona, Spain
MD1, MD2 (2) Madrid, Spain
SA1 (1) Seville, Spain
SK1, SK2, SK3 (3) Stockholm, Sweden
GV1, GV2 (2) Geneva, Switzerland
ZH2, ZH4, ZH5 (3) Zurich, Switzerland
IL2 (1) Istanbul, Turkey
DX1, DX2 (2) Dubai, UAE
LD3, LD4, LD5, LD6, LD7, LD8, LD9, LD10, LD13x (9) London, UK
MA1, MA2, MA3, MA4 (4) Manchester, UK
AT1, AT2, AT3, AT4, AT5 (5) Atlanta, US
BO1, BO2 (2) Boston, US
CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH7 (4) Chicago, US
CU1, CU2, CU3, CU4 (4) Culpeper, US
DA1, DA2, DA3, DA4, DA6, DA7, DA9, DA10, DA11 (9) Dallas, US
DE1, DE2 (2) Denver, US
HO1 (1) Houston, US
LA1, LA2, LA3, LA4, LA7 (5) Los Angeles, US
MI1, MI2, MI3, MI6 (3) Miami, US
NY1, NY2, NY4, NY5, NY6, NY7, NY8, NY9, NY11, NY13 (10) New York, US
PH1 (1) Philadelphia, US
SE2, SE3, SE4 (3) Seattle, US
SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4, SV5, SV6, SV8, SV10, SV13, SV14, SV15, SV16, SV17 (13) Silicon Valley, US
DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, DC5, DC6, DC7, DC10, DC11, DC12, DC13, DC14, DC15 (13) Washington DC, US

Equinix Data Center Location Map

Here we have brought the maps of Equinix data centers in various locations of the world.

Equinix Data Center Map
Click on this image to get a larger view.

Disclaimer: These information were last updated on September 2020. Though we have done our best to collect the right information, we don’t guarantee the accuracy of information provided here including Equinix data center locations or map. Kindly contact Equinix for detailed or accurate information.